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New Army Warrior Tasks
Army Times Article

October 17, 2006

Warrior tasks, battle drills now tested yearly

By Gina Cavallaro

Common Task Testing, the annual mandatory skills test for junior officers and enlisted soldiers, has officially been replaced by Army Warrior Training, a grouping of warrior tasks and battle drills developed from lessons learned on the battlefield.

The message was disseminated throughout the Army last week and directs unit leaders to replace CTT with AWT as an annual training event for all active component soldiers in the grade of E-7 and below, warrant officers 1-2, and first and second lieutenants. Reserve component soldiers are required to do AWT every three years.

"Army warrior training is designed to maintain a soldier's proficiency in the performance of warrior tasks and battle drills that support the unit mission essential task list. The WTBD are based on relevant tasks which are conducted today in the contemporary operating environment, incorporating tasks developed through lessons learned when appropriate," said the Army message.

Soldiers are expected to be able to fight and complete their mission while applying and staying proficient in the tasks and battle drills including individual tasks such as shooting, moving, communicating, urban operations, first aid, chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and battle drills.

The warrior tasks and battle drills were developed through a task force that convened starting in 2003 at Fort Benning, Ga., to review initial entry training. The task force reviewed more than 400 tasks and through a selection process narrowed it down to the Army Warrior Training, which became effective Oct. 1.

The training is designed to use current lessons from the combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan to prepare a soldier more quickly to face the operational environment.

Warrior tasks and battle drills were first incorporated in initial entry and advanced individual training in 2004 and into the basic officer leaders course in 2006.

A warrior task site selection board consisting of members from the Army's Training and Doctrine Command, Accessions Command, Forces Command and the Infantry School meet twice a year to review the warrior tasks and battle drills and how they relate to developments in theater.

