California Army National Guard Medical Detachment

10535 Hospital Way Building 805

Mather, California 95655-4200




CAMD-OT  (40-501a)                                                                                                          7 DEC. 2005





SUBJECT:  Physical



1.  You are scheduled for a Physical at 0730, 07 JAN 2005, at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Green Team Clinic Mather Field. Directions are enclosed.  You will also receive DNA and HIV processing.


2.  Instructions are as follows:


     a.  Uniform of the day is PT.


     b.  Silence must be maintained in the physical exam area, unless speaking with the medical staff.  This enables the exams, especially hearing, to go smoothly.


     c.  Personnel who wear corrective lenses must bring a current pair of spectacles (glasses) to the exam.


     d.  Females must bring the results of a pelvic exam and Pap smear that is less than one year old as of the date of the physical.


     e.  Personnel scheduled for “over-40” exams or flight physicals must fast for 12 hours prior to the exam.  Water and prescribed medications are allowed.


     f.  Personnel scheduled to receive immunizations should bring civilian shot records, if available.


     g. CA ARNG MED DET does not have facilities to feed you.  You must make your own arrangements for feeding.


     h.  Non-chargeable quarters are not available at the Mather facility.


3.  POC is the undersigned at (916) 854-3479/CAGNET 63479/DSN 466-3479.




PAUL D. BRAND           


Operations NCO


Directions to VA Hospital – see below





We occupy the Veterans Administration Hospital’s Green Clinic, located on Mather Field (formerly Mather Air Force Base).  Mather Field is located in Rancho Cordova, just east of Sacramento.


From either Interstate 5 or State Route 99, take US Highway 50 east, following signs to South lake Tahoe and Placerville. 


Once on US 50, follow signs to Mather Field.


Take “Mather Field—Rancho Cordova” off-ramp, following signs to Mather Field.


Bear right onto Mather Field Road.


Following signs to the hospital, turn left on Peter McKuen Road.


The hospital is on the left.


Parking is available inside the VA compound.  Access to the Green Clinic is through the hospital’s west entrance.